| |
 | February
 | February
29, 2000: SSLM makes Leadership Appointments |
 | February
25, 2000: 1999 Human Rights Country Report on Sudan U.S. State
Department issued the annual report of Human Rights for countries around
the world. This links to the Sudan report. |
 | February
25, 2000: State Dept issues another statement on possible explusion of
NGOs from southern Sudan |
 | February
24, 2000: State Dept and UN issue statements on Memorandum of
Understanding Issue of MOU between NGOs and Sudan Relief and
Rehabilitation Association of SPLM |
Memorandum of Understanding Final Version of MOU |
 | February
18, 2000: Sadig al-Mahdi letter to Dr. John Garang Letter dated Dec.
22, 1999 |
 | February
18, 2000: Garang Response to Sadig al-MahdiLetter dated Jan. 21,
2000 |
 | February
16, 2000: Bombing of Children in Nuba Mountains White House
Condemnation and Africa News first hand report on Government of Sudan
bombing of school in Nuba Mountains |
 | February
15, 2000: Chronology Sudan Catholic Information Office chronology of
events from Jan. 15-Feb. 15, 2000 |
 | February
10, 2000: Sudan Inter-Agency Reference Group -- Advance Statement
concerning Harker Report |
 | February
14, 2000: Harker Report Released by Canadian Foreign Affairs This
report looks at slavery issues and the Talisman Oil company involvement
in oil development in southern Sudan than is resulting in increased
fighting, displacement of people and human rights violations. |
 | February
14, 2000: French Version of Harker Report |
 | March
 | March 29,
2000: Nilotic People to People Peace Conference Postponed NSCC
announces postponement until May 8, 2000 of Nilotic East Bank Conference |
 | March 23,
2000: Canadian NGO Response to Talisman A response, published in the
Globe, from Ernie Regehr of Ploughshares on NGO conflict with Talisman
Oil Company |
 | March 20,
2000: NSCC Field Report Field Assessment of Internally Displaced
People (IDPs) from Western Upper Nile in relationship to
People-to-People peace process |
 | March 16,
2000: SCIO Monthly Update Sudan Catholic Information Office
chronology of events from Feb. 15 - Mar. 15, 2000 |
 | March
15, 2000: IRIN Weekly Update on Sudan |
 | March
13, 2000: Civil Society groups condemn School bombing |
 | March 1,
2000: SPLM/SPLA Press Release on MOU |
 | April
 | May
 | June
 | July |
 | August
 | September
 | October
 | November
 | December |